Understand instantly
  • Humans
  • Dwarves
  • Elves
  • Trolls
  • Giants
  • Undead
  • Creatures
  • Dragons
  • Orcs
  • Insects
  • Werebeasts
  • Vampires
  • Bloodborns
  • Golems
  • Demons
  • Plants
Spellfire cards
Spellfire is a diverse world whose inhabitants span many different races.

Spellfire is a diverse world whose inhabitants span many different races. From elves to orcs and regular-sized humans to giants, all of the beings in this mystical world must either coexist with one another or battle to the death. In this article, we will take a closer look at all of the 16 Spellfire races that you’ll find on your collectible cards.


Humans are the most popular race in Spellfire. They can be any kind of champion and have the ability to gain bonuses or penalties on other cards’ special powers.


Like Humans, Dwarves also receive bonuses or penalties based on the special powers of other cards. While Dwarves do walk above the surface, they are not classified as “Earthwalkers”, and unless your card has “Earthwalker” written on it, your Dwarf card isn’t one. Additionally, in some of the older Spellfire cards, Dwarves are sometimes designated as duergar.


Elves, too, can be of any champion type and gain bonuses or penalties on other cards’ special powers. But what makes elves unique are the variety of sub-races that exist within their community which are: Drow, Half-Elves, and High Elves. Holding a half-elf card provides a steep advantage as this sub-race is immune to offensive magical items. High elves are constantly awake and can attack the realms twice.


Trolls are fearsome warriors that can be of any type of champion, including monster champions. They gain bonuses or penalties based on the powers of other cards.


While this race of massive proportions can be any type of champion, they are typically monster champions. Giants also receive bonuses or penalties according to the special powers of other cards.


The Undead are not your typical kind of champion or ally. While an NFT card may look like an undead being and have the physical features of something that rose from the afterlife, unless it says “undead” on the card, it isn’t one. These races can be any type of champion but are mainly monster champions.


What is this unique race that roams the world of Spellfire? Few know the answer to that question. Nonetheless, Creatures are found across all champion types that roam the world and can gain bonuses or penalties on other cards’ special powers.


These fire-breathing behemoths also gain bonuses or penalties based on other cards’ special powers and many, not surprisingly, are monster champions. Assumedly, one would think all Dragons are flyers, but this is not the case! Unless your NFT card has “Flyer” written on it, your dragon is a ground walker and will not take flight.

From elves to orcs and regular-sized humans to giants, all of the beings in this mystical world must either coexist with one another or battle to the death.
From elves to orcs and regular-sized humans to giants, all of the beings in this mystical world must either coexist with one another or battle to the death.


They are not the most handsome of the bunch, but what they lack in aesthetic appeal, they make up for in other key attributes. Orcs can gain bonuses or penalties based on other cards’ special powers and can be of any type of champion, but more commonly, monster champions.


These creepy crawlies might just scare opponents who have insectophobia! Like many races, multi-leg champions and allies designated as insects also gain bonuses or penalties based on other cards’ special powers. Insects can also be of any champion type.


Covered in fur from head to toe and packing a serious set of K-9 teeth, Werebeasts can be of any champion type but, as you might expect, are commonly monster champions. Werebeasts are fearless beings that receive bonuses or penalties based on the special powers of other cards.


Unlike the vampires you grew up watching, not all of these blood-thirsty beings in the world of Spellfire are undead. Unless a vampire card has “undead” written on it, your card is not an undead race (even if they look like Dracula’s long-lost soulless cousin). Like Werebeasts, Vampires can be of any champion type, but many are monster champions.


This special race is divided into two key subraces: Holy Bloodborns and Bloodborns. Players can identify which sub-race they possess by checking the text box of the card. Bloodborns gain unique bonuses or penalties based on the special powers of other cards and are usually monster champions.


This artificially created race has unique characteristics when compared to the previous ones we’ve reviewed. For example, Golems not only gain and lose bonuses based on the power of other cards but can also gain and lose penalties as well. The majority of Golems are monster champions and are either a champion or magical items.


Champions and allies designated as demons gain bonuses or penalties on other cards’ special powers. They can be of any champion type. Due to their devious nature, demons are notable for the intensive usage of Abyss.


Although they may seem harmless, some plants are true monsters. Plants can be of any champion type. Champions and allies designated as plants gain bonuses or penalties on other cards’ special powers. Plants can be of any champion type.

Now that you’re well-versed in all of the incredible races found throughout the world of Spellfire be sure to develop your strategy to best utilize them in battle.