Understand instantly
  • Holdings can be played in Phase 2
  • The Holy Light - No Human Land is almost unbeatable
  • Events that raze or discard realms
The Holy Light and No Human Land combo
The Holy Light and No Human Land combo

In the game of Spellfire, Holding cards gives players unique powers and abilities, which can greatly boost their chances of winning. Some combinations of realms and holdings are particularly strong, making them difficult for opponents to destroy. These aspects of the game require careful strategy for successful gameplay.

Holdings can be played in Phase 2

In Phase 2, one holding can be played regardless of whether a realm was played, rebuilt, or not played at all. Although it does not need to be attached to the same realm just played or rebuilt, a holding must be attached to a realm of the same world (the logos on the cards must match).

Some holdings can be placed within any realm, such as The Holy Light. This kind of power is stated in the card's special powers. Some holdings have unique powers activated upon an attack against the attached realm, while others have special abilities that are always in effect.

The Holy Light card in detail
The Holy Light card in detail

The Holy Light - No Human Land is almost unbeatable

The Holy Light holding brings its power to the highest level when placed on the No Human Land realm. No Human Land can’t be attacked by humans; they become mad here. The Holy Light holding allows only humans to attack or defend this realm. This combo is almost unbeatable, but nothing is impossible in a well-balanced Spellfire World.

No Human Land card in detail
No Human Land card in detail

Events that raze or discard realms

Opposing players have a chance to raze this realm by playing certain event cards. If the No Human Land realm was placed first, it could be destroyed by a Wormhole event. The player must tempt fate and draw the top card from the draw pile; if the number is 5 or greater, the realm and the holding are discarded.

Wormhole card in detail
Wormhole card in detail

If this combo is not at the front of the realm formation, it can be razed by playing the Cataclysm! event, which allows your opponent to destroy one realm of their choice, except the front one. That realm is razed, and holding is discarded.

Cataclysm! card in detail
Cataclysm! card in detail