Understand instantly
  • Psionic power cards can be offensive or defensive
  • #1 Switch Parallel card cancels any Event, champion dies
  • #2 Inception can change the type and race of his choice of any champion "in play”
  • #3 One champion can come to defend Amazon as an ally when Amazon Charm is used

A Psionic power card is like a spell but is usually used by champions who are Psionicists. If a champion has the Psionicist icon, they can automatically use power cards. The champion's text box does not need to indicate that they can use power cards. It is still possible for a Psionicist to use psionic power cards even if their other powers are negated. If a non-Psionicist champion has their psionic power negated, they lose their ability to use it.

Psionic power cards can be offensive or defensive

As with spells, Psionic power cards can be offensive or defensive and are played in phases (e.g., Off/3, Def/4, etc.). It is marked at the end of the description. Since Psionic power cards are not considered spells, cards negating or dispelling spells do not affect the psionic powers. To negate or counter psionic power cards you need specific cards.


#1 Switch Parallel card cancels any Event, champion dies

My top choice for the Psionic Power card is Switch Parallel. This card can be used at any time. Enormous mind power cancels the Event by sending it to another parallel. Champion who utilizes this power dies from mental exhaustion. To be able to use this power champion must be “in play”.

Switch Parallel card in detail
Switch Parallel card in detail

#2 Inception can change the type and race of his choice of any champion "in play”

Second place goes to Inception. This psionic power can be used on any champion "in play." The attacker breaks into champion dreams and changes the type and race of his choice. The illusion lasts until the end of the turn.

Inception card in detail
Inception card in detail

#3 One champion can come to defend Amazon as an ally when Amazon Charm is used

And last but not least pick - Amazon Charm. This power can be used only by Amazon champions. One of the owner's champions can come to defend Amazon as an ally. Lasts until canceled.

Amazon's Charm card in detail
Amazon's Charm card in detail